From the Gunroom, a collection of poems, every word of which is drawn from an old gun manual, is now available for order from Main Street Rag Publishing!


What They’re Saying

 In the Book of Isaiah 2:3-4, scripture reads, “they shall beat their plowshares into swords, and their spears into pruning hooks.” In From the Gunroom, Keith Stahl does the literary equivalent by reimagining a gun manual as a work of poetry, effectively demilitarizing the manual and reconstituting the language, an alchemical transformation the results of which are life affirming and profound. ~Christopher Kennedy


Keith Stahl just wowed me with his ability to wring sheer poetry from the broken innards of (wait for it) a gun manual. Stahl’s heart and hilarity are unparalleled and this book is our poetry year’s sleeper hit. ~Mary karr


Keith Stahl’s poems in From the Gunroom recycle words and phrases like “mean point of impact” and “extreme killing range” to empathically explore the history of a dysfunctional family and the corrosive effects of masculinity. Weirdly touching, funny and strange, wrought from the language of violence, these startling original poems redeem and critique our gun obsessed society’s willing and unwilling victims with a dead-on, loaded, penetrating humor. ~Sarah C. Harwell